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New Event Submission Form

Please complete and submit this form in order for us to create a new event in our system. It should only take you a couple of minutes. Your completed form is the contract between you and Incentis Ltd dba BermudaTix. IMPORTANT: THE EVENT DESCRIPTION FIELD DOES NOT SUPPORT EMOJIS. IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM IN YOUR DESCRIPTION, SEND AN EMAIL WITH THE DESCRIPTION TO RICHARD@BDATIX.BM .

We need a flyer or poster, minimum 600px wide. You may upload graphics with this form or email to .

If you have any questions or comments, send email to or call 232-8499 in Bermuda, 973-765-2494 in USA, 514-613-1317 in Canada. Thank you for your support!

Merchandise: We can presell scannable drink vouchers or vouchers for any product. Our fee for merchandise is 5% of the merchandise amount plus the ususal 2.7% card processing fee charged by our bank. Merchandise sold alone, without ticket(s) also attracts a $0.25 transaction fee.

COMP Tickets policy: You may request a maximum of 20% of your tickets IN ANY GIVEN WEEK to be comp tickets. Any comp tickets beyond the 20% threshold attract our usual fee.


FIRST TIME PROMOTERS ON BERMUDATIX WILL BE REQUIRED TO TRANSFER $50 TO OUR ACCOUNT TO GUARANTEE THE MINIMUM FEE. IF/WHEN WE HAVE REACHED THE $50 THRESHOLD, THE FUNDS WILL BE RETURNED. While we don't charge a setup fee we do require that your event generate at LEAST $50 in BermudaTix fees. You must answer "Yes" to this question for your event to be created in our system. Only registered charities will be exempt from this policy. By clicking "yes", you also agree that should you cancel or postpone your event and we are asked to process refunds, there will be a $1 fee per refund transaction to cover our processing costs. Furthermore, if after final settlement, we process any refunds on your behalf, you agree to return said payments to us within 5 business days.
IN CASE OF EVENT CANCELLATION OR ANY REFUND PROCESSED, THE BERMUDATIX FEE WILL NOT BE RETURNED TO THE PATRON NOR EVENT PROMOTER. The promoter will be responsible for the full cost of the ticket, the BermudaTix fee, a $1 refund fee per TRANSACTION and a 2.7% card processing fee.
IN THE EVENT THAT THERE ARE ANY CHARGEBACKS FROM THE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING COMPANY, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURNING THE FUNDS TO BERMUDATIX. We will make every effort to challenge the chargeback but these days, the cardholder holds has the advantage.
Please enter the event name exactly as you want your Patrons to see it online.
Please enter the name of your organization. If there is no organization, enter your name.
If you didn't enter your name in the previous field, please enter it here.
Sometimes, Patrons have questions that only you, the promoter can answer. How should they contact you?
What is the name of the account holder as it appears on your bank statements?
We are looking for the number of seats that BermudaTix will be selling. DO NOT PUT THE FULL CAPACITY OF YOUR VENUE UNLESS BERMUDATIX IS SELLING ALL YOUR TICKETS FOR YOU.
In order for this answer to be "yes", we need to have a clickable SeatMap in our system whereby Patrons may choose their specific seat(s). If we don't have a SeatMap for your venue in our system, there might be an additional charge to create one. Call 232-8499 for details.
Do you want to HOLD/RESERVE some seats before tickets go on sale? If you answer yes, we will get in touch to discuss.
Please download Mobile Event Manager 2.0 from either the App Store or Android Play. You will be able to scan tickets and/or check people in by name using the app. Call Richard on 232-8499 if you need more information.
Please explain your pricing. Ex: Adults, $35. Students under 13: $20 and/or Ex: Regular tickets, $50. VIP tickets, $75. If you offer VIP tickets or other more expensive ticket types, please explain what the Patron gets to justify the additional cost.
Use this field to provide important information that we should include on your event page. If you supply a flyer/poster it isn't necessary to repeat that information unless you want to make SURE that people see it! Please include relevant details such as where, when, how much.
Would you like a free listing in our monthly Newsletter? Note that the Newsletter does not publish on the same dates each month but generally is published every two weeks. It is sent out to about 20,000 email addresses.
We generally send a Newsletter out twice monthly to over 20,000 Patrons. We will use the event description you submitted above. If you want something DIFFERENT for the Newsletter, please enter it here.
This information will appear online in a couple of places.
Where will your event be held? If not a standard venue that everyone knows, please include the address.
What are the dates and times for your event? What is the anticipated length of your event?
Answer YES if you want your event publically listed on Answer NO if you don't want the event to be visible to the public. We will send you a private link to share.
Please choose ALL options that apply.
Please explain your policy on children attending your event. Ex: Children over 2 years old are welcome but everyone must have a ticket. or Ex: Children under 2 years old sitting on their parent's lap do not require a ticket.
If BermudaTix is staffing the Box Office at your event, you are responsible for providing a cash float AND for depositing all cash receipts from each performance. A Box Office Manager is billed @ $100 for minimum 2 hours and then $50/hour billed in 15 minute increments. Scanners are $75 for minimum 2 hours and then $40/hour billed in 15 minute increments. We are happy to train your staff to scan and/or manage the box office.
Is there additional information you need to share with us or questions you might have?
We will not manipulate this file or video. It must be properly formatted for Instagram or we will ignore it.